Best Eco-Friendly Beauty Products: Biodegradable Soap and other Toiletries

  As a scuba diver and a traveler that's always in the water (whether it's a lake, ocean, or sinkhole), I feel guilty about wearing harmful beauty products such as sunblock and hair conditioner that could harm the environment. To solve this problem, I wanted to...

After Sun Skin Care: 5 Tips to Rejuvenate Your Skin Post-Vacation

  Did you spend too much time outdoors on your vacation and are now in the need of after sun skin care? Read these five tips to help you rejuvenate dull, dry skin!   5 After Sun Skin Care Tips   I’ll be the first to admit that I can get a bit careless...

Best Passport Photo Makeup: Get this No-Fail Flawless Look

  The best passport photo makeup is "no makeup, makeup". Get this no-fail flawless look with these awesome beauty tips!   Best Passport Photo Makeup Written By: Kate Langille   I hadn’t considered the importance of what my makeup would look like for...

Best Eyebrow Makeup: Travel-Friendly Brow Maintenance on the Fly

  A well-groomed look is an essential accessory for a stylish travel wardrobe. However, you don't need an arsenal of makeup to look put together. One of our favorite ways to achieve a flawless finish? Awesome brows! Here are some tips on the best eyebrow...