7 Easy Ways to Fix On-the-Road Clothing Mishaps

  Worried about what to do if your clothes get ripped or stained while on a trip? Here are seven easy ways to fix any on-the-road clothing mishaps!   Quick Clothing Fixes for Travelers Written by: Nina Thomas   If you’re like me, you’ve had dozens of...

How to Stay Fit on Vacation

  A lot of women find it difficult to stick to a diet or exercise routine while they travel.  Some find that traveling releases inhibitions that result in some weight gain or even fatigue from lack of proper nutrition and exercise.  This doesn’t have to be your...

Our Epic End of the Year Giveaway!

‘Tis the season for giving - and this year I am SO excited to be sharing my best giveaway ever with you, travel fashion girls! This one is near and dear to my heart, and since the giveaway is all about sharing- I want to share the chance to experience my current...

3-1-1 Liquids Rule: Help Me Understand How it Works

  Have you heard of the 3-1-1 liquids rule for carryon luggage?  Guidelines fluctuate between airports; read this post to help you understand how it works!   Have You Ever Heard of the 3-1-1 Liquids Rule?   As travel fashion girls, our aim is to pack...