Wondering how to keep your passport secure while having it easily accessible when you need it? This is a great question! My answer varies depending on your situation. Read on to discover our top passport safety tips! How To Keep Your Passport Safe While...
Despite the fact that I’ve traveled full-time for almost a decade, I’ve only experienced theft one time. In my experience, theft—when you travel—is rare, but it can happen. Find out what I did wrong and how to avoid pickpockets. These are my tried and true tips...
When it comes to long plane rides, bus rides, train rides, or even car rides, you’ll want to have the best travel pillow. They provide head and neck support, helping you stay comfortable. There are many styles, depending on your needs. Our readers offer their...
Flying with a CPAP machine? Readers share their packing tips, from best bags to use to accessories and international travel pointers, so you can fly with your device in confidence with this handy guide! CPAP Travel and Packing Tips Table Of...
Too many devices and not enough plugs? TFG readers recommend the best travel power strip for your next trip! Portable Power Strip Written By: Tae Haahrr Table Of Contents We’ve all been in the situation in the hotel room,...
Looking for the ultimate packing list? You’ve found it. We’ve rounded up all the things you may (or may not) need to bring on your trip carefully organized by category. To help you plan more efficiently, we’ve also included an editable,...