When spending time outdoors, or traveling to certain areas, squatting may be your only option for washroom visits. Luckily, a portable female urination device can make this task less awkward and more comfortable. TFG readers share their favorites on what to use...
Don’t let the fear of pickpockets in Europe stop you from having a blast at your dream destination. With these tools and some preparation and vigilance, you’ll be sure to have a memorable and safe time! Pickpockets in Europe: How to Stay Safe ...
If you’re heading abroad on your next trip and are searching for the best carry on luggage international flights will accept, check out these top-recommended reader picks below! Best Carry On Luggage for International Travel Table Of...
Planes, trains, and cities can be incredibly noisy, but turning your headphones on full-blast can really hurt your ears. So we asked TFG readers to tell us their pick for the best noise cancelling headphones for travel. Best Noise Cancelling Headphones...
Backpacks aren’t just for globetrotters heading for the mountain trail. From casual to designer, there are numerous stylish options appropriate for cities all over the world, and they’re the perfect alternative to standard daypacks or travel purses....
Hoping to get some decent shut eye on a long flight? Then you need the right travel accessories! Find out what our readers say are the best eye masks for long flights so you can catch some ZZZs on your next trip! Best Eye Masks Table Of...