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My curls aren’t as nice as these
One of the most frustrating aspects about having curly hair is the trouble managing it throughout my travels. While some girls are better at maintaining their curls more than others, if you have thin and frizzy coily little curls like me, you hate them!
Sorry to use such strong language but that’s just how I’ve always felt.
After traveling for eight months with a short cut in 2008, I realized I had to change my hair style for my Round-the-World trip in 2010
If curly hair gets you down during your travels, for extreme measures, try Hair Rebonding or Japanese Hair Straightening!
These are my three attempts to having more manageable travel hair
❶ Unlike Minimalist Traveler Deanne Ballard who cut her long straight hair before a trip, I grew out my chin length cut. My layered style was choppy and fun but required products and a flat iron to keep the look. Growing out my hair was just easy for me plus I can use easy travel hair styles. I don’t have to bother with it and if it’s down it looks done up – well, done up enough.
❷ I stopped dying it. Keeping up with my hair dye habits while traveling was a pain and I started getting these cool sun kissed natural highlights anyway. Very cool.
Epic Hair Fail:
❸ I let me hair naturally grow out curly along with my length. Big mistake.
The second I landed in Fiji on the first day of my round-the-world trip I was in frizzy fro agony. I was hating life. The second I got to Thailand three months later, I searched out my beloved Japanese straightening treatment and I quickly found that every salon had it – under the name hair rebonding – for a fraction of the price at home! I was in heaven! After Hair Rebonding – Wet, Air Dry, Flat Iron – Don’t even need to flat Iron!
It’s important to note that I’ve been doing this hair treatment for the past twelve years so I didn’t randomly start permanent hair straightening just for traveling. But boy does it make my life easy! Combined with my favorite leave in conditioner; I don’t need to travel with a flat iron, blow dryer, and I don’t have to worry about a frizzy mop. Woohoo!
Most commonly known internationally as hair rebonding, the Japanese thermal straightening and retexturing treatment is also known as: hair rebonding, thermal straightening, Japanese hair straightening, straight perm, bio ionic, and Yuko hair straightening. It is important to be aware of the other names because not every salon calls it the same name.
Please don’t mistake this for the Brazilian blow out! Unlike the Brazilian Blow Out which only temporarily smoothens your hair, this is the real deal for us curlies that wish we were blessed with glistening easy to manage straight locks.
Hair rebonding tip: you can’t wet your hair for 36 hours. Don’t do permanent hair straightening before a big water adventure or it won’t be so permanent.
As always, natural is the best way to go. However, if your hair is absolutely unmanageable whether for home or for vacation, check out hair rebonding or Japanese straightening. It was one of the best hair care tips I could have ever discovered!
Does your hair act up when you travel? Got any tips to share with other Travel Fashion Girls? Comment and share! Your tips will be featured in a future post.
And if you found this post helpful, please re-post! Thanks for reading!
I live in Michigan. I am African American with coarse hair. Where can I find this product? What is the cost? Will it change my gray hair?
Hi Donna, this post was written by a guest writer so I am afraid that we don’t really have any advice to share that can help you.
I would recommend that you join our TFG facebook group and post your question there: It’s a fabulous community of helpful female travelers that love to share their awesome recommendations and feedback. Hope this helps you answer your question! ?
Hi Alex, I am wondering what straightening treatment you are currently using?
Thanks so much! Annette
Hi Annette, thank you for your question! I used the Japanese Retexturing Treatment since 2001 but I’m currently trying to let my hair grow out so I can dye it! 🙂
Is this still your current straightening treatment? Thanks so much!!!!!
Hi Annette, I’m currently trying to let my hair grow out so I can dye it so am not using any treatments at the moment! 🙂
I’ve been having this treatment yearly since…2004, I think? It’s an absolute godsend! It’s not expensive here in Manila and really cuts down primping time as well as lessens any travel-related stress. Highly recommended for ladies with “problematic” hair!
Thanks for sharing Marj! Glad you’ve found something that works so well for you!
Awesome, just found Tress Guard heat protector recommend to you,
Love to straight my hair, and hoping it can help you:)
Thanks will have a look!
My Favorite is Cocoa Keratin by Karmin 🙂
Can you tell me the how can i do Japanese straightening treatment at my home?is it possible to straight hair at my home.
I don’t know. I go to the salon to do these treatments.
In South Korea, the same treatment is called, “Magic Straight” perm. It looked great for about 6 months and got me through the humid summer, but it really did a number on my white girl hair. I’m still trying to get over the damage it caused from one treatment over 2 years ago. My hair is much thinner than it used to be, it tangles easily, and I have lots of breakage. *cry*
Hi Kate, sorry to hear that. I get the magic straight perm regularly and for me, damage trumps my curls…at least for now…
Hope your hair gets healthy again 🙁
Hi Alex , any salon they do rebounding or certain salon only? Can u recommend any?
Hi Brigette, I’ve seen rebonding advertised as a service in many salons in Asia and have done it 4 times now. I’ve always been happy with the results – and the price! I would just shop around to get pricing then determine the one you feel is the most professional and clean.
Hi Alex! Well I’m on vacation now…the Philippines and I’m a teenager so I don’t know if it’s good for my hair or not. And which one would you recommend? Brazilian or rebond ? I’m thinking rebond but I’m not sure! Help!!!!
Hi Diana, Brazilian is temporary for about 2 months and the rebonding is permanent until your hair grows out. I did the Keratin a few months ago but won’t do it again because I like a long lasting result – so I’m sticking to Japanese retexturizing which i believe is the same as rebonding 🙂
what is the best rebonding product? here is a ot out there..have one to recommend?
Hi Posey! I’m not sure which one’s best but they all pretty much do the same thing. Just try to to find a hair salon with good reviews 🙂
I thought the brazilian blow dry was the same as Yuko? I use a brazilian keratin treatment on my hair and it stays frizz free and straight for around 3 months. I’ve got a little bottle of it with me in my rucksack so I can top up on my travels!
hi Jennifer! from my research it’s two different things. the Brazilian is temporary smoothening while the Japanese/Yuko is more permanent and can last up to 6 months depending on your roots. it’s really good for girls with very curly hair. some like to use both when they get a hair straightening to ensure an ultra shiny look. the Yuko does the bulk of the straightening and then adding the Brazilian after makes it extra shiny and smooth in texture. what bottle do you carry to top up? wouldn’t mind enhancing my Yuko 🙂