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Lisa is an American expat who’s been living in Hong Kong with her husband, cat, and dog for the past year. She is a yoga teacher and birth doula, and she writes about her travels on her blog: LisaDeviAdventures. She’s currently an expat in Singapore. During her time based overseas she’s had the chance to travel around much of Southeast Asia and in 2009 she spent six weeks in South India studying Yoga in Mysore.

Read on to find out how this world traveler packs for her adventures!


Interview with Lisa Kazmer




Q: How would you describe your travel style?

Simple, efficient, and practical.


Q: Do you prefer to travel carry-on or with a regular suitcase bag?

I am all about traveling light. I tend to check a small basic suitcase and only bring my Panama hat and my Cole Haan Village Satchel bag packed with just the essentials for a comfortable flight. Everyone complains about waiting at luggage claim but I’d much rather grab my small bag from under the seat, get out of the plane, and move swiftly through the airport- the wait for luggage is never that long anyway.


Read these essentials to make long flights more comfortable.




Q: Are you an overpacker or do you underpack?

Neither! I pride myself on packing just the right amount. I almost always return home with just a few things left untouched.


Read these 20 awesome tips on how to avoid overpacking.


Q: How do you stay stylish while traveling without access to an entire closet?

I lay out my outfits for each day according to what I anticipate doing, all the while considering mix-and-match options to create variety. I also consider accessories during this time and how they can add that extra something to an outfit. I always make sure to pack a few extra neutral colored t-shirts and tank tops, as well as undergarments when traveling to hot tropical places in Asia.


Read the lazy girl’s guide to stylish travel accessories.


Q: What are your three must have travel essentials?

1. Bose QuietComfort Noise Canceling Headphones. They were a bit of an investment but proved irreplaceable during a painfully long delay in the Shanghai Airport, noisy flight back from Bali next to an over-caffeinated child, and during sixteen-hour flights between Hong Kong and New York.

2. Traveling Altar: A tiny Ganesha statue to remove obstacles, St. Anthony (Patron Saint of Travelers) amulet, a small traveling Buddha, a bit of Mugwort for safe travel, Obsidian stone for adaptability, Quartz Point for clarity, and a piece of Garnet from my parents backyard to remember where I came from.

3. My husband. He’s a travel wiz; absolutely amazing at finding hotels with charm and the best restaurants in town.





Q: What destination was the most fun to dress for?

I never thought I would feel this way but, after so much time in a warm climate I can’t wait to go back to New York for the Fall or Winter and wear boots, sweaters, and jeans again!


Q: What destination surprised you the most with the ways locals dressed or their type of clothing?

I loved the Batik fabrics of Bali. Such vibrant colors, mesmerizing patterns, and beautiful hand-dyed silks. When paired with ornate gold jewelry it looks so elegant and feminine.


Find out what to wear in Bali.


Q: What’s your preferred travel outfit on a plane?

Black Lululemon leggings with a breezy linen top layered over a tank. The seats in airplanes are cramped enough so I at least need my outfit to be something I can move freely in. I’ll tuck my favorite scarf into my bag in case it’s chilly on the plane and especially if I’m going to a modest country where a little more coverage is appreciated. I also try to squeeze in a bit of yoga during any flight: High lunges in the aisle with the support of a seat back, triangle pose to stretch the hips, shoulder stretches and heart-openers while waiting for the bathroom… mobility is the key to arriving at your destination with grace.


Check out these ideas for airplane outfits.


Q: What are your favorite travel accessories?

My light-blue framed Ray Ban’s are always with me, a foldable fan to block sunlight or create a breeze when necessary, and my Sigg water bottle – I try my best to avoid disposable plastic water bottles but it’s so essential to stay hydrated.




Q: What are your favorite travel beauty essentials?

Cutex Nail Polish Remover Pads, wet-wipes as opposed to hand sanitizer (more versatile), Body Glide Chafe Guard – essential in hot climates! And I love my Diva Cup!


Learn more about the benefits of traveling with a menstrual cup.


Q: Do you have any specific hair or makeup products that work great for travel?

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunscreen for the face, Avon Advanced Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil, and Nars Cream Eyeshadow holds up in hot weather.


Q: How many pairs of shoes do you travel with and what styles?

I usually pack one pair of supportive flip flops and a pair of nice sandals that could be worn with a dress. If it’s an urban adventure, I will pack a pair of simple black heels for the night and a comfortable pair of flats to walk around the city during the day. If it’s a more active, athletic, or nature-based trip I’ll swap out the closed-toe shoes for Keen’s hiking sandals.


Q: Do you have any recommendations for cute and comfortable footwear?

Clark’s is a good brand for comfort and style and I love Reef because they’ve got more arch support than most sandals but barefoot with an anklet and nice pedicure will always be my preference!


Check out these comfortable and cute walking shoes for travel!




Q: What was your biggest travel fashion or packing mistake?

My first big international trip was India. I brought along all kinds of supplements, got practically every vaccine suggested by the US Government, and bought travel insurance totaling almost $800 USD- a huge percentage of my travel budget at the time! When I arrived I realized that everyone who was traveling from Europe, had been traveling throughout India for an extended amount of time, or those who were seasoned backpackers did none of this. It opened my eyes to how much of this stuff is really “necessary”.


 Check out our India packing list.


Q: Finally, any travel packing tips for new travelers?

I think the best preparation I had for world travel was living in New York City. It is an entry point to every culture in the world yet at the same time there is no line between foreigner and local. Though somehow tourists stick out like a sore thumb so when it comes to packing for international travel I consider how I might dress to blend in, feel comfortable, and slide into the flow of a community as if I belong there.


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