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Sleeping Bag Liner: The Top 5 Benefits of Traveling with One

Sleeping Bag Liner: The Top 5 Benefits of Traveling with One

  A few readers have made a comment that they’ve never heard of traveling with a sleeping bag liner (or travel sheet) but are happy they found them on these posts on budget travel essentials and must have backpacker gear. If you've never heard of sleeping bag...

Bose QuietComfort 20 Review: Noise Cancelling Headphones

Bose QuietComfort 20 Review: Noise Cancelling Headphones

Our readers say that Bose makes the best noise canceling headphones for travel. Inspired by their recommendations I decided to splurge and try them out for myself. Take a look at my Bose QuietComfort 20 review to learn if these noise cancelling headphones really work!