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Just because you’re flying in the economy doesn’t mean you can’t have a soothing travel kit to keep you fresh during your flight. Pamper yourself and make your own travel kit!


In-flight Travel Kit Essentials




Ultra-hurrahing moisturizer




The air filtered through planes takes all the moisture out of your skin. Keep your skin from drying out by packing 1 oz tube of ultra-hurrahing moisturizer you can use on your face and on your body.




Evian Spray


Face Mist


Refresh with a fragrance-free face mist like the popular travel sized Evian spray. Use mid and post-flight to relax and rejuvenate.




Eye Mask


Eye Mask


Choose a soothing eye mask to block out your neighbor’s reading light and increase your chances of peaceful slumber.






Ear Plugs


Whether you want to catch up on Zs or block out the chatter to zone out in your latest travel read, earplugs minimize the noise to encourage a peaceful flight experience.




Lip Balm


Lip Balm


Don’t lose your perfectly moisturized pout to dehydration. Pack a favorite lip balm and stay smooth.




Vitamin C


Vitamin C Packs


Pack a couple of Vitamin C packs or tablets to boost up your immune system. With so many germs flaring around tiny airspace, keep a cold from ruining your trip with a bit of preventative care.

Don’t Pack PERFUME or other fragrance. There’s nothing more painful in a small enclosed space than suffocating on an overdose of a scent that turns your stomach. Realize that not everyone may love your signature fragrance and save the spritz for when you get off the plane.



What are your in-flight travel kit essentials? Comment below!


For more tips on travel essentials, please read the following:


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