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Most of the time it’s easy to pick up clothes and gear while traveling for long periods of time, but I have a few favorites that I am certain make it into my luggage every trip. I could survive without them, but I really don’t want too. Keep reading to find out my “unnecessary” things to pack but why I think they’re so worth it!


Necessary “Unnecessary” Things to Pack

Written By: Niki Landry



Cleansing Bar / Facial Moisturizer


Full Size Beauty Products


Of the following “unnecessary” things to pack, I am most lost without my skin specific face wash and moisturizer. Not all skin is created equal.

It took me years to figure out what works for my face, and my skincare products are treated as gold when I travel. Many brands would be hard to locate in other countries so it’s smart to bring along your favorites. Personally I have sensitive dry skin and switching products mid-trip would have me avoiding mirrors and cameras for the duration of my travels.


Read our tips on how to travel-size your favorite products!



Bobby Pins / Hair Ties


Hair Accessories


Similar to a skincare regimen, some people swear by their hair products. I normally let my hair air dry with very little product, so shampoo and conditioner are all I need. If you are one of these girls, then you would definitely want to have your special products on hand for the duration of your trip. Look for travel size versions of your favorites, or transfer them to travel friendly containers.

What I never leave home without, even when I’m not traveling, are hair ties and bobby pins. I stick them in every pocket, bag, and zippered pouch. Nothing is more annoying than needing to pull your hair back and being without a hair tie. To keep the bulk of my bobby pins organized I store them in an old Tic-tac container.


Take a look at these five easy travel hair styles!



Wet Ones / Baby Powder


Unexpected Hygiene Products


When traveling gets me down and dirty, there are two products I turn too. Wet wipes and baby powder. They have multiple uses, but wet wipes come in super handy when bathrooms are lacking toilet tissue, and baby powder is my favorite for soaking up oils. I usually use it on my hair the day after washing. Both are necessities when traveling.


Check out seven of our favorite multi-tasking beauty products!



Chuck Taylor / Denim JacketsSwing Dress / Infinity Scarf


Cute Travel Outfit


Packing light is top priority when you’re planning what things to pack on a long trip. With this in mind I started wondering what I would pack if I could only bring one outfit. Of course it depends on the location, but for general purposes I would want it to work for multiple activities and be very comfortable. My choice would be a simple dress, sneakers, and a light jacket. It’s the pieces I gravitate towards the most. Comfy enough for long days on buses, but sporty enough for easy hikes.



There are a few things that aren’t necessary to survive but are still worth their weight to me. Sometimes it’s the travel indulgences that can make bad travel days better.

For instance, makeup. I bring along a bold lipstick, medium coverage foundation along with my BB cream, and a full set of eye shadow. I can get away with less, but to me these are worth giving up the space.

Another splurge is my travel shoes. I always bring four pairs. I don’t necessarily need a fourth pair, but I like having the extra option. Sometimes it’s a dress sandal or ballet flat, but no matter what they always get used regularly.


Read TFG’s guide on how to choose the best shoes for travel!



These items will be different for everyone. However, it’s always important to make room for a few of your favorite things, even if they aren’t always essential.

What are your “unnecessary” things to pack? Please share it below!


For essential things to pack, please read:


Hope you liked this post my essential yet “unnecessary” things to pack . Please share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Thanks for reading!


Author Bio: Niki is an interior designer and artist from Louisiana. In addition to her design work, she writes for local and online publications sharing her experiences and passion for travel. Niki is currently adding stamps to her passport while building her design practice, Niki Landry Designs.  nikilandrydesigns  niki-landry-designs-llc