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Ever wonder how people who travel often pack so effortlessly? Here’s a little peek into some packing secrets from military families and how it can help you pack for your next trip!


5 Packing Secrets from a Traveling Military Wife

Written by: Josie Reim


Summer is a big time for military families and their new duty assignments. When you’re married to a service member in the U.S. military, constant moves are a way of life.

There’s a lot in common with long-term travelers and military families. I haven’t been married to the military for very long but I’ve already picked up a lot of packing tips. Here are a few packing secrets that any avid traveler can add to their trips and tricks!


Pack light



If you’re not careful, anything you decide to bring to your next duty station could end up sitting in a box in your garage for the duration of your stay. The same thing goes for a trip – you might pack something and not use it. Either way, you’ve wasted valuable space and time.

I’ve adopted a “less-is-more” mantra – instead of packing something “just-in-case,” I give myself permission to buy it if I need it. No matter where you go, you can always buy and replace whatever you run out of.

I’ve discovered some amazing new products just from having to buy them at my new destination!


Detach from your stuff



One thing avid travelers and military families have in common is detachment from their possessions. We all have our favorite items but for the most part, most of our stuff is replaceable if the movers or the airline carriers lose it.

Your stuff should function so that you can participate in all the activities you want to. It should be also be easily replaceable if you were to break or lose it. You’ll stress a lot less when you’re not always worried about losing your stuff.

“It’s always replaceable” is a great attitude when you’re on the go!


Plan but be flexible



Traveling, whether it’s for recreation or a lifestyle, can be stressful because plans can change and unexpected things can happen. Keeping the big picture in mind is a great way to deal with any lemons a trip can bring.

I’ve learned to plan enough to make any transition or travel experience smooth while leaving room to be flexible so that I can enjoy the little surprises along the way.

Although those little surprises may not be pleasant, if you allow a little room for them, it makes the whole journey more of an adventure and less of a nuisance.


Uniforms take away the guesswork



I’ve noticed that whenever my husband has to pack for a work trip, he can do it in ten minutes. When was the last time you packed that quickly?

The reason is that he wears the same thing to work and simply has to count the number of items he needs for the duration of his trip. I’m not saying you go out and buy the same things for every day – that wouldn’t be very fun or fashionable. But learn a lesson from the military and build your own version of your travel “uniform” staples.

Whether its a jean jacket or a printed maxi skirt, there are a lot of versatile pieces that can function as your constant travel wear. If you need more help on putting together your travel “uniforms,” check out TFG’s packing lists!


Ziploc bags



Whether it’s moving my whole house or going on a short weekend trip, ziploc bags are the one thing I always have handy when I’m packing. I can never have too many of these.

These can take a suitcase or box from a nightmare to a dream in a few minutes. They’re perfect for corralling little odds and ends and barely take up space. If you don’t end up using them, you can always use them for a snack or a makeshift ice pack!


Whether you travel the world full-time, the country part-time, or just go on vacation, these tips are sure to help you take the stress out of packing!

Do you have any ingenious packing tips you’ve learned on the road? Please comment below!


For more on packing for long term trips, please read:


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Author Bio: Josie Reim has been traveling the world with a carry-on luggage since 1995. In that time, she has visited 18 countries, including twelve visits to the Philippines and a month-long stay in Brazil. She loves immersing herself in the local culture when she travels, including learning the language and seeking out local wildlife. Packing is a way of life for Josie as she and her husband move their home around the United States often.