Created with the female traveler in mind, learn about the best packing strategies, how to choose the best travel clothing, and more! Pack like a pro with Travel Fashion Girl and don’t forget to download your free printable packing checklist!


10 Best Eco-Friendly Travel Tips

10 Best Eco-Friendly Travel Tips

From jet fuel to styrofoam to-go containers to plastic toiletries, many people don’t realize how much can be wasted during a trip. Luckily, there are easy ways to be more environmentally conscious while still enjoying your travels. Before you head on your next trip, follow our 10 tips for eco-friendly travel.

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The Retiree’s Guide to First-Time Carryon Travel

The Retiree’s Guide to First-Time Carryon Travel

Traveling carryon only is always difficult the first time. Here, a TFG reader shares her tips on how she successfully traveled carryon only for the first time in winter. Keep reading for a complete retiree’s guide to carryon travel!

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My Packing Secrets! Do I Really Travel Carry-on Only?

My Packing Secrets! Do I Really Travel Carry-on Only?

Because I’m a long-term traveler, it’s hard to believe I only use this carry-on size bag. However, I’ve got a few packing tips up my sleeve. I recently got a great question from one of my readers and thought I’d share my reply with you. Find out my long-term travel...

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Packing Light: 5 Reasons to Travel with Carry-on Bags Only

Packing Light: 5 Reasons to Travel with Carry-on Bags Only

  Traveling with carry-on bags only isn’t just about avoiding expensive airline fees. There are many benefits to packing light that far outweigh monetary savings. Whether you’re a long term traveler or are going on a short vacation holiday, these reasons will...

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Top 7 Carryon Luggage Packing Tips for Women

Top 7 Carryon Luggage Packing Tips for Women

  Traveling with carryon luggage only means traveling without any difficulties, long waiting times, and no concerns of losing your belongings. But even though these points are always advantageous, it can become a nightmare when you go through customs. Many...

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