Created with the female traveler in mind, learn about the best packing strategies, how to choose the best travel clothing, and more! Pack like a pro with Travel Fashion Girl and don’t forget to download your free printable packing checklist!
10 Best Eco-Friendly Travel Tips
From jet fuel to styrofoam to-go containers to plastic toiletries, many people don’t realize how much can be wasted during a trip. Luckily, there are easy ways to be more environmentally conscious while still enjoying your travels. Before you head on your next trip, follow our 10 tips for eco-friendly travel.
The Best Lightweight Rain Products for Summer Travel
Packing for a rainy destination can be tricky because rain products can be bulky and heavy. From backpacks to rain jackets and boots, find out what our readers rank as the best lightweight rain products for travel!
The Retiree’s Guide to First-Time Carryon Travel
Traveling carryon only is always difficult the first time. Here, a TFG reader shares her tips on how she successfully traveled carryon only for the first time in winter. Keep reading for a complete retiree’s guide to carryon travel!
The Pros (Our Readers) Reveal their 36 Best Ever Packing Light Tips
From luggage to shoes and toiletries to laundry, we turned to the pros (our readers) to find out their all time best tip for packing light! These are 36 of their top packing light tips!
Travel Safety Tips: I Had My Bag Stolen and These Are 4 Ways I Could’ve Avoided It
While theft can’t be 100% prevented, it can be avoided. Read these travel safety tips and how they could’ve helped me avoid being robbed.
Best Air Travel Tips to Fly like a Pro: 4 Steps to Breeze Through the Airport
Have you ever been at an airport and witnessed unprepared travelers causing delays in the check in or security lines as they haphazardly fumbled with their belongings? No one wants to be that person. As the busiest flying time of the year quickly approaches, here are...
What to Pack for an Extended Honeymoon: Packing List
Creating an extended honeymoon packing list can be challenging. Find out what to pack for an extended honeymoon so you feel prepared for your trip!
Confused About the Best Luggage Organizer? Here’s How to Choose
There are so many types of packing organizers it's confusing to know which one to choose. Keep reading to learn more about each type and find out the best luggage organizer for your trip! Best Luggage Organizer In 2017, I launched Compass...
My Packing Secrets! Do I Really Travel Carry-on Only?
Because I’m a long-term traveler, it’s hard to believe I only use this carry-on size bag. However, I’ve got a few packing tips up my sleeve. I recently got a great question from one of my readers and thought I’d share my reply with you. Find out my long-term travel...
Packing Light: 5 Reasons to Travel with Carry-on Bags Only
Traveling with carry-on bags only isn’t just about avoiding expensive airline fees. There are many benefits to packing light that far outweigh monetary savings. Whether you’re a long term traveler or are going on a short vacation holiday, these reasons will...
Carry On Luggage: Why You Should Avoid Regular Size Suitcases
After reading a discussion on TFG’s Facebook page yesterday and dealing with my own travel woes, I realized that many people have a major misconception about traveling with carry on luggage. Why You Should Always Travel with Carry On Luggage It’s more than just...
5 Ways to Fit All Your Toiletries into Your Carry-on
Frustrated by carry-on baggage restrictions for flights? Find out 5 packing hacks to help you fit all your toiletries into your carry-on!
One Bag Travel: The Fashionista’s Guide to a Lugagge Free Minimalist Packing List
In 2016, I spent a one week summer vacation luggage free --I packed all my stuff into my favorite purse! Think carryon or one bag travel is impossible for fashionistas? Well, there's no more excuses! Check out my minimalist packing list! One Bag Travel:...
How to Pack in 5kg? An Easy Packing Hack to Travel Carryon Only (Video)
It was the ultimate packing challenge: an international flight with just 5kg weight allowance! Find out the easy packing hack I found – you can use it, too!
The First Time Traveler’s Guide to Packing: Avoid these Rookie Mistakes
Are you new to traveling? This guide will help you avoid common packing blunders we’ve all experienced at one point or another. Find out what they are!
I Traveled with Remote Year for 12 Months and this is How I Packed
How do you pack for twelve months traveling with Remote Year? Here’s how one participant did it. Find out what worked and what didn’t!
Top 7 Carryon Luggage Packing Tips for Women
Traveling with carryon luggage only means traveling without any difficulties, long waiting times, and no concerns of losing your belongings. But even though these points are always advantageous, it can become a nightmare when you go through customs. Many...
Planning a Spring Weekend Trip? This 6-Piece Minimalista Capsule is Worth a Try!
Spring is one of the most challenging times to travel due to transitioning weather. How can you be prepared for everything without overpacking? Find out!