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I wanted to make a quick and easy round the world travel packing list visual for girls. This 15 piece packing list can be used for trips of varied duration and climate.  Use the items shown as a visual guide to create your own perfect travel wardrobe.


Please visit this page for the complete Round-the-World Packing List.


The Ultimate Round the World Packing List for Girls

Option 1:




Option 2:



Round the World Packing Tips:


Remember, you can buy almost anything while traveling so if you don’t pack it, you can probably find a replacement on the go. Planning your round-the-world packing list may see overwhelming but with thorough research and preparation, you’ll be good to go!


What other tips would you add?


For more useful tips to help you plan your backpacking trip, please read these articles:


Hope you liked this RTW packing list! Please share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thanks for reading!