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Recently, Tammy Lowe wrote a helpful post on What to Wear in Brazil and it reminded me of a rather unpleasant experience from not wearing the right (amount) of clothing. In this case, it wasn’t what I wore that was the problem. It was what I didn’t wear.
With this I introduce to you my new Travel Series: WANDERLUST WEDNESDAYS! Enjoy my personal tales of clothing, gear, and mostly misadventures.
What Not to not Wear when Snorkeling
For those that know me I’m not the type to show off my assets. I’m shy and skinny-dipping on a whim isn’t really my thing. (Okay, maybe one time.)
In 2013, my pursuit to dive in the most famous places around the world took me to the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia where I spent two weeks diving and snorkeling in the well-known Bunaken.
Just off shore of the beautiful and affordable budget accommodation of Panorama Bungalows, a world of coral, fish, and rays await the eager diver. I was in underwater heaven!
When I wasn’t diving I went snorkeling and one afternoon I got a big lesson on what NOT to not wear when snorkeling.
My boyfriend and I were the only two people in the water. With the sunbathers far off in the distance, the beauty that surrounded me took over and in a moment of spontaneity I took off my bathing suit and decided to snorkel in the nude.
Because this was out of the norm for me I felt so free and happy. I was a little fish swimming in the vibrant orange sky as the sun set before me.
The day could not have been more magical but the next day would be much different.
I refuse to post a picture but just imagine the most painful burn on a part of your body that had never seen sunlight. The rest of me maybe a toasty tan but my bum sure wasn’t used to the glory of the sun.
My bum was burnt to a crisp!
I got the worst sunburn ever and even taking a shower felt like my skin was ripping off. It was both a painful situation and ridiculously funny but I’ll tell you that never again are any of my body parts going anywhere without sunblock.
Remember ladies, whether you dare to wear a thong in Rio or decide to go nude in paradise, wear sunblock – even in the most unexpected of places!
Travel Tip: If you do decide to travel to Sulawesi, I highly recommend Panorama. Spending two full weeks at this resort was absolute paradise – especially for $25 per night including meals! I could’ve spent a month there and most other travelers felt the same way.
These are my Favorite Sun Care Products:
- Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunscreen SPF 45 – goes on light and nice quantity for vacation
- Sun Bum Face Stick, 0.45-Ounce
– perfect for non-liquid travel!
I have so many misadventures to share with you so stay tuned for more of my travel tales.
Have you ever gotten a randomly stupid sunburn like mine?
For packing tips on underwater activities, please read:
- Scuba Gear Packing Tips for Liveaboard and Diving Holidays
- Liveaboard Diving Travel Essentials And Giveaway
- The 5 Top Waterproof Cameras You May Need for Your Next Adventure
Hope you enjoyed this post. Please share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Thanks for reading!
Haha, so funny Alex! Poor you!
Tnx for sharing and yes, I also think Bunaken was absolutly paradise. Mark and I ended up staying for 17 days! 10 days more than we originally had in mind. I absolutly loved it in the Panorama bungalows.
Haha little did you guys know that during our lovely dinners my bottom was an overcooked ham! Hope you guys are doing well 🙂
ha! great story 🙂
Oh Alexandra, what a funny story!!! I am so excited to read more next Wednesday – the travel misadventures make the best stories:))
Thanks! I’ve got a bit too many but I’ll try to stick to the gear, shopping, and clothing related ones 🙂